Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Am I a Genius?

Here is a video of Samuel playing a preschool game on the computer. Samuel seem to have master his hand- eye coordination and mental focus, I had to capture the moment. Keep in mind that Samuel is two years and four months. When Samuel is on the computer he say "T-T-T-T-T-T" while playing a game. My guess is that it help him to concentrate. "Samuel enjoy visiting several educational sites. His favorites are listed below:
Elmos world
Online Preschool/Toddler activities and games


Emilie M. said...

Good job Samuel!

Fingertip Offerings said...

Reminds me of this photo of Levi when he was nine months old. Obviously he is just copy catting what he had seen us do but it's funny!

I didn't touch a computer until I was in seventh grade...our kids will never know life without them! are a smart boy! And handsome too!