Thursday, October 27, 2005

What is Samuel Doing Now

Samuel is growing up so fast. I wish at times to cease the moment. My husband and I have enjoyed every stages of our son’s life, but I think we are enjoying this stage the most. He is a lot of work but sooooooooooooooooooo much fun. Look at the pictures of Samuel sitting up and crawling. It is so cute to see he personality shine.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Samuel's Step to Daycare

At six months Samuel started Daycare. It was the hardest thing for me to leave my child with someone I barely know. For the first few weeks I visited Samuel every three hours. Samuel's Daycare teachers seems friendly, and caring.she is qualified to care for Samuel.

Samuel was able to adjust to the transition quicker than I did. It is nice to see Samuel get excited to see his teacher in the mornings. Listed below are a few things that Samuel does for her and not for me:
Samuel does not take his bottle from me, but he takes it from her.
Samuel does not take one hour naps for me, but he does for her.
Samuel does not take his Gerber meals from me, but he takes it from her.

Samuel is able to engage with other children his age at Daycare. below is a picture of Samuel playing with his friend who is only three days younger than him.