Sunday, May 22, 2005

Three Months Old

Samuel is now three months old. It is amazing how fast Samuel has grown over the pass few months. I have always loved life and who I am as a person. However, life has been so much more meaningful since Samuel been born. My husband and I look forward each day to explore and grow with him.
Samuel now engages with friends and family, enjoys hugs and kisses, enjoys seeing himself in the mirror, and at times very entertaining with his voice. Samuel fine his toes to be the most interesting part of his body. He has tried many time to reach his toes with his hands while laying on his back.
Today we went to church. Samuel is a great baby during church services. He would either sleep or listen attentively. Samuel still gets the otter most attention from the church members when we attend. He even received gifts from two members of the church. My husband and I extent our gratitude to the members of the church for the love and affection they display to our son. Thanks with love from our family.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Samuel's Step To His Room

Before May 16,Samuel was sleeping with my husband and I. It was convenient for me to attend to Samuel when he would wakeup every two hours. May 16, was the first time Samuel slept in his room. He is doing a great job without mom being at his beck and call. I, on the other hand, is having a hard time getting adjusted to Samuel not sleeping with us. What do you suggest I do?

Thursday, May 19, 2005


Samuel is the first and only grandchild on the maternal side of his family. He is so loved by everyone. Samuel has enhance the family dynamics and created a lot of excitement. Samuel's maternal grandparents live in Maryland. Nevertheless, he will continues to build a close relationship with them.
Samuel is the fourth grandchild on the paternal side of his family. His paternal grandparents live in Iowa. Samuel's grandparents had taken trips to Indianapolis to visit him. Although Samuel is one of four grandchildren he seem to still get a lot of attention from his grandparents.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Two months old

Samuel is now two months old. He is so precious. Whenever My husband and I take Samuel places we are always approached by acquaintance to admire him. The complements make us feel great to be Samuel's parents. Most people say that Samuel looks like me ( smile). Samuel is a very good baby. He mostly cries when he is hungry or tired. He is now smiling and keeping his head up during his belly time. Samuel enjoys listening to my husband and I read him stories. The last story Samuel read with his dad was Bob The Builder. Samuel is currently listening to a story per day from: The Beginners Bible, Timeless Children Stories.