Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day

Samuel loves his daddy very much. He did not hesitate to show strangers at the restaurant how much he loves his dad. Samuel did a great job making his daddy laugh. Don't miss the video (hehehehe).

Here is a video of Samuel singing Blues Clues to his daddy. Here is the Lyrics to the Blues Clues song Samuel is singing to his daddy "Here the mail it never fails it makes me want to wag my tail when it come I want to wail MAILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL…." Now listen and watch Samuel(hehehehehehe).


Emilie M. said...

you guys are the cutest! i love the picture blog!

Anonymous said...

i'm lovin' the video. sweet haircut troy

One Observationist said...

That's hilarious. It looks like you guys had a great time.

Miss you all.

Fingertip Offerings said... are just *too much*! Miss you and love you still!