Sunday, July 15, 2007

Pictures After Church

After church Sam and Ta' decided they wanted to sit on the rocks. It was a wonderful opportunity for me to take some pictures of them.. Look how nice they look. I love my little family. I am soo Bless.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Playing On My Parent's Bed

Look at them on our bad playing. And the noise, the noise they were making was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo loud.

At The Library

Sam and Ta' had a great time at the Library. After playing and building things together they rented a few books and movies for the week.

Bird Feeder

Samuel is a great helper in makking sure the birds have plenty of food to eat in our backyard. Sameul love to watch the birds eat from his birdfeeder.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A Visit To The Fishers Water Park

Samuel had a fun time at the park with his sister. They ran, jump, climb, swing, slid, splash and spin. They were busy having fun. As I was taking pictures and watching the them play, a young lady approached me and said " wow! I am amazed as to how they enjoy each others company despite their age difference". It was interesting to see that a stranger observe their love for eachother.

Monday, July 09, 2007

At The Pool

Samuel had a lot of fun playing and swimming at the pool with his sister and dad.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Meet My Sister

Samuel sister is here on vacation from Texas. She arrived today and will be here visiting for about five weeks. She is nine years old. Today Samuel had a great time with his sister. It is amazing to see the love they share together despite the limited interaction throughout the year. She does not hesitate to show her love to Samuel. They placed games ( soccer in the house with a beach ball..hehehe), laugh together, gave hugs, kisses, kisses and more kisses. Samuel seem to enjoy spending time with her. His last words to me before saying goodnight was " Ta'Lyn my sister mom"? In response, I said, "Yes son, she is".It was so sweet. I have added some pictures. I hope you enjoy looking at them. Come back to see more soon.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Am I a Genius?

Here is a video of Samuel playing a preschool game on the computer. Samuel seem to have master his hand- eye coordination and mental focus, I had to capture the moment. Keep in mind that Samuel is two years and four months. When Samuel is on the computer he say "T-T-T-T-T-T" while playing a game. My guess is that it help him to concentrate. "Samuel enjoy visiting several educational sites. His favorites are listed below:
Elmos world
Online Preschool/Toddler activities and games

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

In the Moment

Here are my favorite pictures of the week. I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I do. I really enjoy talking pictures of my two handsome guys as I try to capture each moment in a single snap of the camera.

Cool guy

Look at Samuel sporting his sunglasses.